Treatment Of Abnormal Pap Smear Specialist

Joslyn Gumbs, MD -  - OB-GYN

Joslyn Gumbs, MD

OB-GYN located in Los Angeles, West Hollywood, CA

Having an abnormal Pap smear can be nerve-racking until you know the cause of those results. Dr. Gumbs uses state-of-the-art techniques to help patients in the Los Angeles, CA, area understand the cause of their abnormal Pap smear, as well as available options for treatment when needed.

Treatment of Abnormal Pap Smear Q & A

What happens if I have an abnormal Pap smear?

If you have an abnormal Pap smear, you'll probably need to have a colposcopy, a procedure that uses a special instrument to view the cervix. Like a Pap smear, colposcopy involves using a speculum to open the vaginal canal so the colposcope can more easily visualize the cervix. The colposcope uses special magnifying lenses and a light to view the cervix, and a special solution is usually applied to the cervix to make abnormal cells become more visible. Colposcopy takes about five to 10 minutes to complete.

Does an abnormal Pap smear mean I have cancer?

No; an abnormal Pap smear, or dysplasia, can have several causes, and although cancer is a possible cause, in most cases, abnormal results are not cancer-related. In fact, the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been determined to be the most common cause of abnormal Pap smears. HPV is a common virus that infects most sexually active adults at some point in their lives. In most people, the virus clears up on its own, and the majority of people will not even know they have it. In others, though, HPV does not resolve, and may even wind up causing genital warts. There are many types of HPV, and some have been linked with an increased risk for cervical cancer. If HPV is detected, Dr. Gumbs will talk to you about potential treatments.

Will I need a biopsy?

Not everyone needs a biopsy; if Dr. Gumbs decides you should have a biopsy, it will be performed at the same time as the colposcopy. In some cases, a biopsy may cause slight spotting or cramping for a few days afterward.

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We accept most insurance plans. Below is a short-list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed below.

Advantage Insurance Network
Advocate Health Care
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Anthem Blue Cross of California
Assurant Health
Blue Shield
Blue Shield of California